Making Websites Easy
with personal and down-to-earth service
Rotorua Web Design

Design to Implementation
WebAdvantage can take your project from start to finish. From the design of your website to manage all the technical side WebAdvantage can sort out the lot keeping you updated on the important things.
WebAdvantage is a web development consultancy, committed to providing professional web services that will help grow your business, club or community organisation.

Local - Professional
As a local company, WebAdvantage is able to provide personal service. Whether it's over a coffee or over the phone, WebAdvantage is a personable business that does not baffel with technical jargon, but speaks plain language for anyone to understand.
Based in Rotorua, Bay of Plenty WebAdvantage is at hand if you need them. No call centers, no international delays - All servers and hosting is right here in New Zealand.

Making Websites Easy
WebAdvantage uses a comprehensive Content Management System (CMS) that is NZ owned and operated. The benefits of a CMS system is that you, the client, can acess your website at any time to change content and update information. You control your website as much or as little as you want.
The client side of the program is easy, simple and hassle free. With training provided updating your website is easy.